Parcel ID
Index Order
Parcel Number
Tax Year
2023 Payable 2024
Board of Revision Case History
Case Number Date Filed Withdrawn **Counter Complaint Filed *Hearing Date/Time Value Challenged Value Requested Value Decided by BOR ***Date Resolved
2020052692 9/10/2021 Yes 10/1/2021 2,583,220 1,937,420
2012603328 3/27/2013 No 8/20/2013 9:20 AM 2,072,780 1,848,000 1,847,840 9/4/2013
2011505116 5/19/2012 5/19/2012 11/8/2012 8:15 AM 2,072,780 1,618,310 2,072,780 11/17/2012
2009303839 5/26/2010 No 5/26/2010 9/28/2010 8:40 AM 2,449,300 1,797,780 2,072,780 10/25/2010
2007100711 2/20/2008 No 8/4/2008 2:00 PM 2,449,300 4,972,900 2,449,300 9/3/2008
2005081864 6/12/2006 No 6/12/2006 10/16/2006 1:00 PM 2,819,600 2,097,800 2,397,800 12/12/2006
2000030250 2/13/2001 No 11/7/2001 1:20 PM 1,660,000 3,832,500

*Once your hearing has been scheduled, you will receive a Notice of Hearing by certified mail, and the Scheduled Hearing Date and Time will be populated on this page.

**A counter-complaint may by filed by a party with interest in the value of your property, such as the Board of Education, if you request a decrease of $50,000 or more in market value.

***Please allow four to six weeks to receive your Notice of Result by certified mail and to see your result on this page. Your Notice will contain basic facts about appealing your Board of Revision decision, should you wish to do so.