Parcel ID
Index Order
Parcel Number
Tax Year
2022 Payable 2023
Tax Distribution Information
Market Value Assessed Value (35%) Tax Rate Information
Land 32,500 Land 11,380 Full Tax Rate (mills) 134.320000
Building 446,350 Building 156,220 Reduction Factor 0.183070
Total 478,850 Total 167,600 Effective Tax Rate (mills) 109.730087
Non Business Credit 0.080175
Owner Occupancy Credit 0.020043
To estimate taxes based on a different market value, enter the market value here:
Tax Calculations
Gross Real Estate Tax $22,512.04
- Reduction Amount $4,121.28
- Non Business Credit $0.00
- Owner Occupancy Credit $0.00
- Homestead $0.00
Half Year Real Taxes $9,195.38
- Sales Tax Credit $0.00
+ Current Assessment $34.79
+ Delinquent Assessment $0.00
+ Delinquent Real Estate $0.00
Semi Annual Net $9,230.17
Half Year Tax Distributions
School District $4,763.06
Township $2,640.14
City/Village $0.00
Joint Vocational School $0.00
County General Fund $189.39
Public Library $154.67
Family Service/Treatment $25.99
HLTH/Hospital Care-Indigent $208.08
Mental Health Levy $209.90
Developmental Disabilities $315.75
Park District $158.57
Crime Information Center $23.15
Children Services $352.01
Senior Services $120.30
Zoological Park $34.37
This shows the most recent tax bill calculation which normally occurs in early December and May. However, adjustments or corrections may have been applied to the tax bill after the initial tax calculation. Go to the Payment Detail tab to view any corrections or adjustments occurring after the initial tax calculation.